Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better

In the past two weeks I have traveled with an infant, met some of my in-laws, took a trip down memory lane, fought with my 2 month old on her schedule, gave up and let her sleep in bed with me anyway, started working out, quit working out, felt miserable about my body so started working out AGAIN, woke up because of my crazy dreams, fought and lost my battle with insomnia (because of those dreams), and conquered a snow storm. Whew.

Traveling with an infant isn't as bad as I thought it would be. And I was absolutely TERRIFIED of it. Mainly because we had a 12 hour flight back home to deal with. But Camden was amazing :). She was asleep at take off, and only woke up to be fed. The noise and pressure didn't seem to bother her in the least. The only time she freaked out was when we were landing and that was mainly because she was hungry- they always seem to pick the wrong times to be hungry huh?

While the reasons why we went home (death in the family...) are horrible, we're happy that we were able to all go back and show little Camden off to both of our families. While my parents and siblings have yet to meet Cam, they will this summer. She was able to meet some great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. She was even able to meet a GREAT GREAT grandpa!

This next paragraph may seem a little shallow. Sorry in advance. We were very happy to actually get some shopping done and have a few days to our selves- as in, no baby. I was able to get a beautiful gown for the ball coming up in the spring, a new coat, some other random pieces of clothing. The likewise could be said for my dear husband. We were also able to spend time with hubby's brother and his girlfriend. We went to the City Museum one night- what a blast.

We spent a little over a week there and finally went home. Then D took the rest of the week off to get back on schedule. We were there long enough to get on their time zone, only to have to turn right back around and redo it. 7 hours difference is A LOT.

When we landed in Germany, there was about 1.5-2 feet of snow. And it only got worse. Did I mention that we were ALL sick and had to take Camden to the doctor? Yeah, we were snowed in and it sucked. All it was was bronchitis and sinuses. Camden was super stuffed up and so we were prescribed some nasal drops and to buy a cool humidifier (those things are magical- how did I ever survive flu season before this!?).

I've decided that I'm not only going to watch my weight but also my inches. Inches around my hips, arms, legs, etc...

I have also decided upon a tattoo idea for Camden and where it's going to go. I'm excited about getting this idea on paper (I've already drawn some of it.) and getting it done. I won't share it until I've started. I'm excited :)

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