Saturday, June 19, 2010

St. Louis is a wonderful place to be

Wow, I really can't keep up with this thing!

Well, we had another family emergency which took us back to St. Louis MO. We were back home for 20 days. In that time frame we went to a funeral, traveled to the east coast, saw a graduation, drove back (17 hours!!!), stayed in STL for a few more days and left. But not before our flight was delayed causing us to miss our connecting flight from DC to Frankfurt. We ended up staying in MO for a day extra. Let me break this down a little further...

So we get some pretty horrible news on D's side of the family. We weren't sure if we were even going to make it home since D was supposed to leave after the 4day weekend. We found this out Thursday morning and we were on a plane Friday morning. But of course not without some issues.

I had plans to go with my good friend to a special dinner. I couldn't cancel on her in such short notice so I still went. We ate, we laughed, we had a good time. That is until about 20 minutes before we left! I got terribly sick and asked if we could leave as soon as possible. I kid you not, as soon as I was in my house and took my clothes off I was in the bathroom throwing up! I came down with food poisoning and was praying that I would be better for our 6am flight the next day. Needless to say I got no sleep that night and if I did it was brief and only in half hour increments. Basically I was sick up until about 2:30am and we left the house at 3am. It was terrible :(

So once we got to STL, we found out that the airport had left our bag (D's and mine) in Chicago!!! So all we had was Camden's clothes and our carry on, which I was smart enough to pack extra clothes in and our toiletry bag. I would normally not do this but since I had been so sick the night before I didn't want to risk puking on myself and not having anything else to wear. Also I was wearing my glasses because I was so tired so I needed my contacts as well. Unfortunately for me, I only packed sweat pants! And when we arrived it was in the high 80s!!! Unfortunately for Dennis, he didn't listen to me about packing extra clothes... Lucky for us, there was another flight coming from Chicago that night! So our bag would be patiently waiting for us at his aunt and uncle's house :).

Camden did great on the plane by the way. But I have noticed that it's easier to travel the younger the child is. Camden was much more restless this time versus 4 months ago. Since she's mobile now all she wants to do is crawl around and check things out. The plane was so crowded and honestly I'm completely grossed out by carpets on planes so she had to deal with sitting in our laps.

The first full day back we went to the zoo. This is not ideal considering I was so sick. I was dehydrated, tired, hot, just plain miserable. But I was able to hold on for 2 hours. I will say that flying does dehydrate you so I was pretty bad off. I'm a little upset that we only got to see a few things and that we weren't able to make it back. If you are ever in St. Louis definitely go to the zoo! And to all the museums of course :). Because a lot of it is free.

After a few days of being back home Camden was officially crawling. She started sitting up by herself Thursday (the day before we left).

What else... Oh yes, we went to North Carolina to see my sister graduate as well! It was wonderful :). We spent a week there. I really didn't do much. Of course I saw some good friends, spent some much needed time with family, and relaxed. Sort of... I was pretty stressed out the whole trip because I had been so sick, the reasons why were there, Camden and jet lag (baby jet lag sucks by the way...), and plenty of other reasons! But I was very happy to show off Camden. And Dennis to the friends and family he hadn't met yet.

Oh and Camden really really really does NOT like the ocean! We went to the beach and she loved the sand and everything but when I tried to take her to the water she just freaked out.

Well other than that... Dennis got another tattoo and I got a massage. We went to the Arch, walked around the museum underneath, took a carriage ride, and had a relatively good time. Of course I was stressed out though...

On the way home the east coast was having some pretty bad weather. Our first flight was delayed on Tuesday so we would end up missing our connecting flight. This was no good since they told us that there wouldn't be another flight for 3 days! We ended up staying in St. Louis for an extra day. We ended up going to Charlotte instead and they also had bad weather! But atleast we had a flight! We sat in the plane for 2 hours waiting on the weather to clear up. 2 HOURS. I had the tallest man in the world sitting in front of me so I had no space. It was bad.

But all in all, we're home, we're happy, we're jet lagged!