Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been sitting here trying to think of where to start on this new blog. I don't really want to make a bunch of blogs even though everything that's been on my mind has nothing to do with each other...

First off: Camden has been sleeping in her crib since pretty much we got back. Last night she slept almost 8 hours! She went to bed at 9 and then slept almost until Dennis' alarm went off :D. I was thrilled. But she also really didn't take a nap at all. I think she was too interested in what we were doing the whole day (because we had a lazy day and stayed home).

I also want to say Happy -late- Valentine's Day! I wanted to mention my wonderful husband and what he does for me. He really does a lot for me and I feel like I don't tell him enough how much I appreciate it. I mean, this man cooks and takes care of us and I'm able to be a stay at home mom because of him. For Valentine's Day I got all the normal VDay gifts- flowers, chocolates, candles, and a card... But he also made me dinner and surprised me with my favorite wine :). He's awesome and I love him.

Next topic... I'm kind of sad about the weight gain. Dennis keeps telling me if I don't like it to go to the gym. But it's not that easy... I have Camden now. And as much as I love her to death and would do anything for her... I can't help but wonder how much easier things would be with out her... I know, I know, I'm horrible for thinking such things. But I can't help it sometimes. Bottom line- I need to find time to workout so that I can (hopefully) get the body that I had before Cam back. It's going to take some time...

Also, almost 2 weeks ago there was a terrible blackhawk crash here. I don't know how many of you heard about it so I thought I would mention it... It was part of our battalion and 3 guys died. We still don't know the reason why they crashed and we might not ever know. It was a very horrible tragedy... Here's a link to the story: http://www.military.com/news/article/three-die-in-black-hawk-crash-in-germany.html

This story has been weighing on me for a while now. I think about these guys often. Just the way I think about all of our guys that are in Iraq or Afghanistan. I come from a military family and my dad has been over twice and my brother is over there currently. I also have a lot of friends that have been or are over there. Just so you know, I think of you guys often. I pray for your safety and well being and wish you guys to come home soon. This story hits close to home though... I'll be praying for the families of these men, I wish for anyone reading this blog to do the same.

I was reading a blog yesterday that I've been following for a couple months now. She was writing about Haiti. This is what she had said about natural disasters:

  • "Disasters can initiate self examination.
  • Disasters can bring out the best in people.
  • Disasters can lead to spiritual transformation.
  • A world without personal tragedy or natural disasters would
    produce no heroes

I especially liked the last one. I hope you guys take something away from this the way that I havve.

The man is home early and dinner isn't even started! Oops!

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