Sunday, February 21, 2010


As of yesterday Camden is 3 months old! I can't believe it! Time has flown by. Lately Camden has been chewing on everything, bringing everything to her mouth- whether it's her clothes, my clothes, burp clothes, or blankets- and she's been drooling everywhere. It's gross, she soaks through an outfit in 15 minutes or less if she doesn't have a bib on. Well today she was extremely fussy and nothing was working. I tried nursing, burping, standing her up, sitting her down, laying her down, binky, swing, EVERYTHING. Well, I thought to myself to just check her poor little gums because maybe, just maybe, she'll be teething. Well, guess what?! Camden has a pearly white poking out!!! I'm thrilled :D. Yes I know that the next couple months are probably going to be hard and she's going to be cranky and I am going to have to worry about her biting me (I keep saying the moment she bites me I'll be done nursing.) and all that great stuff- but I'm so excited!!

Well, finally I gave her some baby tylenol because she was just so upset and she seemed to be in a lot of pain and I could tell she was tired. It took her a few minutes to actually take it because she hates it (and I don't blame her- the stuff is disgusting!) but within 5 minutes it worked. She was out could in 10 ;).

My poor baby is growing up so fast :)

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