Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hitting a wall.

Hmmmm... Well the past few days have been interesting. Sunday Dennis woke up with a bump on his leg that looked like an ingrown hair- no big deal, pull the hair out, pop it, go about our life. Monday comes and the bump as grown bigger, has a nasty looking scab on it and there's a red ring around it the size of my fist. No big deal, poor alcohol on it, air it out, go about our life. Monday night comes and he strips out of his uniform and shows me his leg where it now has moved down half of his fricken THIGH! The bump is now the size of my fist and the ring around it has grown half way down his leg. He is hot and doesn't feel well. We go to the ER somewhere between 7:30-8.

It takes the doctors 2 hours to even put him in a room and then another half an hour to an hour to look at the bump. They tell him they are going to cut into it and try to drain it. Dennis has MRSA. When he layed down on the little bed in the room his fever got worse, he felt sick to his stomach, and dizzy. GREAT. His leg is badly infected and the doctors are taking their fucking time. Lets just put it this way- if he had waited any longer to go in, he would have been hospitalized. We were in the ER until 2am. He is on antibiotics and pain killers. They cut into his leg and stuffed it. He now has to go in every day to get his dressings changed out.

By the way, when I say "red ring" I don't mean that it's just a ring... I mean the whole area is red. He has cellulitis (sp?). Which is very dangerous if it grows anymore.

Needless to say, I'm exhausted after going with him and then of course Camden. Why children must torment their parents with sleep, I will never know. I was excited that I was actually able to sleep from around 3 until almost 10. And that was after she woke up twice inbetween that time. I also had an appointment today and I had to run some other errands.

We are not getting along. I'm tired, Dennis is tired, we are at each others throats about everything. Ugh, maybe a public blog is not the place to be talking about this so I'll skip the fighting.

Dennis and i were talking about the people that live here and how we wish we had friends that had nothing to do with the military at all. Oh how I wish for that... Army wives are not my ideal friend to vent to. First off, they love to spread rumors. Second off, this includes YOUR personal business. Third off, some of them are just down right bitches. I wish I had normal friends to vent to. I wish I had friends that were my age that were married and had kids.

With that being said- yes I am holding a lot in and yes I am turning hostile.

Good news though! I am officially back in the 130s! Go me :)

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