Friday, March 26, 2010

Sowing Season.

Woa, it's been awhile!

So we finally moved into our new place on Wednesday- I love it. Despite it being an apartment that is... I'll have to take pictures and post them up. I have a muuuch bigger kitchen and bathroom, which is awesome :) it actually gets me motivated to make dinner (especially since I don't pop circuits when I have more than 2 burners on- thrilling!)

More to come...

So we're still unpacking everything and getting in place. The kitchen is pretty much done. Since our kitchen at the old house was sooo tiny we didn't have a lot of stuff for the kitchen. Now we have a lot of empty cabinets. I've been working on Camden's room and I almost have it set up the way I want, I have all the boxes unpacked except for one. Now I just need to put down the carpet and hang some pictures up and it'll be complete!

Our room hasn't even been touched except to get the bedding out. We don't have any bedroom furniture anyway so it's not like it really matters. I guess getting rid of all the FMO furniture will motivate us to buy some! Haha.

Since we no longer have an office, I guess we need to find something to do with all this junk :/. Throw it all away, I say!! I seriously don't want to go through the boxes that came from the office...

Other than moving, Dennis is finally healed up and will be going back to work next week. I guess this is a good thing because we've been getting on each others nerves lately from all the time we've spent together!

Oh and that tooth that we thought was coming in- yeah... Not a tooth. Haha but oh well! I guess it was just a milk tooth- I guess I should have done some research on it...

Speaking of Camden, she has been an awesome sleeper lately. She'll usually go to bed around 9 and wake up at around 7. It's amazing... She's also putting her feet in her mouth. And today we went to hang out with one of my friends from the centering group I was in. Her baby is 3 weeks older than Camden. They were sooo cute together! They were even holding hands :D!

Roxy is still very confused about this new house. She won't go to the bathroom. In fact, she pooped on the porch- what the fuck. We live on the 2nd floor. It's kind of a pain to walk Roxy with Camden. But this will be some motivation to get out of the house a couple times a day :). But the weather here SUCKED.

Yup... That's about it!

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