Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fight night

Well last night was "fight night" at our house. Had a couple people over, had a wonderful dinner, watched some fights (some of which were in my living room... live...), had some great dessert, and everyone left around 11:30-ish.

It was a good time. The guys really seemed to have a good time. Some highlights of the night... Well one of the guys wouldn't leave me alone, he thought it was hilarious to grab just above my knee and squeeze. The guy is huge, 6'4" and 200lb (yes that's skinny, I know, but I'm a girl) so when he does it, it HURTS. So when he took a smoke break, I locked him out on the back porch. And since I wouldn't let him in, he jumped off the porch (we live on the 2nd floor) and hurt his ankle. I am not responsible for any kids doing the same thing...

The guys also decided to do a little wrestling of their own and ended up knocking drinks over and moving the couches. After a full beer was spilled (almost all over my Persian rug...) I got pissed and told them to clean it up or get the fuck out- yes those are the exact words. Well they cleaned it up and all is well now...

The fights absolutely sucked and I wasn't the least bit impressed by them but hell, it was a good time. Dennis made ribs, baked potatoes, and brauts (sp?). I made a pasta salad and a cheesecake. Plus there was plenty of corona and patrone (gross mixture if you ask me. The guys went through a bottle and a half or patrone silver and 30+beers- a total of 4 guys drinking).


Back to the subject of the previous blog. Thanks for the response. And I totally agree. Dennis HAS gotten better since we found out we were pregnant about money, but it did take me awhile to get it through to him that we can't just go around spending money (as much as I would just love to). So i think it will take some time... But we'll get there!!


I STILL CAN'T FIND SHOES FOR THE BALL! and we just found out that D might be on a rotation during that time... Fuck...


Oh I had a strange dream last night about zombies! I think everyone has had a least one zombie dream though. I woke up thinking that I needed to watch the movie "Zombieland" and if you have ever seen the movie- that's how my dream was. I wish I could remember it but since I woke up about 2 hours ago... Yeaaaah, not gonna happen!

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