Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We're just going in circles

I can't believe how crazy today has been! I had to do all of my job stuff and do a bunch of paperwork. It basically consisted of standing in long lines just to do something that took literally 5 minutes. 6 lines and I was there from 9:30-1. Ridiculous.

And the worst part? I don't think I can take the job. Because I would have to wean Camden in a little over a week. And this kid is determined to nurse until she's 2. She used to take a bottle up until about 3 months which was when we got home from St. Louis the first time. Then after that I was more comfortable with nursing in public which means I never brought a bottle. That was a huge mistake. I tried to give her a small bottle today and she was literally screaming for 20 minutes almost making herself sick.

So, when we go on leave we'll be weaning. Because if we don't wean now, I don't think we'll ever get it done before Dennis gets home. And by that time Camden will be 18 months. While I'm all for extended breast feeding, I think I would love Camden more if I could get a few hours to myself.

I'm a believer in karma and if it's supposed to happen it will. Well with that being said, I know I got this job and it kind of just fell into my lap so I'm sure that I'll find another job when the time is right. The time just isn't right for now. Plus I'm trying to get back into college and I know I wouldn't have been able to juggle everything. College > job.

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