Since Dennis has gone back to work, things have changed. Camden FINALLY slept through the night last night since we moved here (a week ago- ughh). Roxy is FINALLY going potty outside (instead of on the back porch. Thus the reason why she is no longer aloud out on the porch...). And of course, mommy is FINALLY getting used to it being just the three of us. Yes, life is good.
Yesterday Camden wasn't going to take a nap. Period. Every time I laid her down in her crib she woke up after 10 minutes. I was so tired from the night before that I layed back down and had finally fell asleep when she woke up. Yesterday was a bad day.
Today, on the other hand, was amazing. She slept through the night and then took a nap from about 12:30-2. Yessss, life is good :).
We are still unpacking the house. Well, really, it's ME that's still unpacking the house. I think Dennis has unpacked a total of 2 boxes. Yes, I said TWO boxes. I have unpacked all of the bathroom, all of Camden's room, and all of the kitchen. He has helped with ONE box in the kitchen and ONE box in the living room. The rest of the time is spent on either Camden, Roxy, or his other beloved... the xbox. I refuse to get xbox live again. And I highly discourage getting xbox live for any husband (this is to the wives!) because you will then be replaced.
Well, Camden has made it clear that she is done playing on her gym and needs to be snuggled!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Sowing Season.
Woa, it's been awhile!
So we finally moved into our new place on Wednesday- I love it. Despite it being an apartment that is... I'll have to take pictures and post them up. I have a muuuch bigger kitchen and bathroom, which is awesome :) it actually gets me motivated to make dinner (especially since I don't pop circuits when I have more than 2 burners on- thrilling!)
More to come...
So we're still unpacking everything and getting in place. The kitchen is pretty much done. Since our kitchen at the old house was sooo tiny we didn't have a lot of stuff for the kitchen. Now we have a lot of empty cabinets. I've been working on Camden's room and I almost have it set up the way I want, I have all the boxes unpacked except for one. Now I just need to put down the carpet and hang some pictures up and it'll be complete!
Our room hasn't even been touched except to get the bedding out. We don't have any bedroom furniture anyway so it's not like it really matters. I guess getting rid of all the FMO furniture will motivate us to buy some! Haha.
Since we no longer have an office, I guess we need to find something to do with all this junk :/. Throw it all away, I say!! I seriously don't want to go through the boxes that came from the office...
Other than moving, Dennis is finally healed up and will be going back to work next week. I guess this is a good thing because we've been getting on each others nerves lately from all the time we've spent together!
Oh and that tooth that we thought was coming in- yeah... Not a tooth. Haha but oh well! I guess it was just a milk tooth- I guess I should have done some research on it...
Speaking of Camden, she has been an awesome sleeper lately. She'll usually go to bed around 9 and wake up at around 7. It's amazing... She's also putting her feet in her mouth. And today we went to hang out with one of my friends from the centering group I was in. Her baby is 3 weeks older than Camden. They were sooo cute together! They were even holding hands :D!
Roxy is still very confused about this new house. She won't go to the bathroom. In fact, she pooped on the porch- what the fuck. We live on the 2nd floor. It's kind of a pain to walk Roxy with Camden. But this will be some motivation to get out of the house a couple times a day :). But the weather here SUCKED.
Yup... That's about it!
So we finally moved into our new place on Wednesday- I love it. Despite it being an apartment that is... I'll have to take pictures and post them up. I have a muuuch bigger kitchen and bathroom, which is awesome :) it actually gets me motivated to make dinner (especially since I don't pop circuits when I have more than 2 burners on- thrilling!)
More to come...
So we're still unpacking everything and getting in place. The kitchen is pretty much done. Since our kitchen at the old house was sooo tiny we didn't have a lot of stuff for the kitchen. Now we have a lot of empty cabinets. I've been working on Camden's room and I almost have it set up the way I want, I have all the boxes unpacked except for one. Now I just need to put down the carpet and hang some pictures up and it'll be complete!
Our room hasn't even been touched except to get the bedding out. We don't have any bedroom furniture anyway so it's not like it really matters. I guess getting rid of all the FMO furniture will motivate us to buy some! Haha.
Since we no longer have an office, I guess we need to find something to do with all this junk :/. Throw it all away, I say!! I seriously don't want to go through the boxes that came from the office...
Other than moving, Dennis is finally healed up and will be going back to work next week. I guess this is a good thing because we've been getting on each others nerves lately from all the time we've spent together!
Oh and that tooth that we thought was coming in- yeah... Not a tooth. Haha but oh well! I guess it was just a milk tooth- I guess I should have done some research on it...
Speaking of Camden, she has been an awesome sleeper lately. She'll usually go to bed around 9 and wake up at around 7. It's amazing... She's also putting her feet in her mouth. And today we went to hang out with one of my friends from the centering group I was in. Her baby is 3 weeks older than Camden. They were sooo cute together! They were even holding hands :D!
Roxy is still very confused about this new house. She won't go to the bathroom. In fact, she pooped on the porch- what the fuck. We live on the 2nd floor. It's kind of a pain to walk Roxy with Camden. But this will be some motivation to get out of the house a couple times a day :). But the weather here SUCKED.
Yup... That's about it!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Discovering new things
Camden has recently found her toes and it's awesome! She loves being naked too. She loves it so much in fact that whenever she is upset I will strip her down and grabs her feet and rolls side to side. It works almost as good as nursing.
She is also discovering new things everyday. The other day it was ger feet, then new toys, then she learned how to make the sun light up and play music on her play gym, her most recent discovery is that mom has a mouth just like her and it's just as fun to put her fingers in it ;). That and my hair! So here are some pictures to enjoy...

Monday, March 15, 2010
May angels lead you in.
So I've been meaning to blog for the past few days now but I can't find time to just sit down and do it. Camden is going through a phase where she's hungry all the time and if I don't feed her RIGHT THEN AND THERE then she's going to just die. I know, totally dramatic. And this happens pretty much every hour and a half. But we did finally get one of those super cool play gym mat things for her and she LOVES it!
Dennis is finally getting better. The wound is getting much smaller now and it looks healthy. Which is fantastic. He is moving around better but he still can't carry anything heavy- which is fine because we all know that I'm a beast :).
Hmmm... I feel extremely selfish right now because this post is supposed to be about one of my friends...
Well, as some of you or all of you might now, a friend of mine lost her baby a few days ago to SIDS. She's one of the ladies that I went through my pregnancy with- well kinda. There's a site- (which I advise everyone that is pregnant to use- and yes, even the dads can use this site!) and a forum that I frequented while I was pregnant, and still do, and that's where I met this wonderful lady. Michael was almost 5 months old when he passed and it's incredibly sad.
So for the past 2 nights I've been scared to death that something horrible would happen to Camden and I check on her often. I check on her atleast 6 times before I go to sleep. And yes, she's back to sleeping in our bedroom (well atleast until we get oil damn it). She slept with us one night because every time I tried putting her down she woke up and cried and I woke up having a nightmare thinking that she was dead in my arms. I think I about had a heartattack.
It shouldn't take a tragedy to realize what you have and how lucky you are. I will never take advantage of Camden or Dennis or Roxy or any of the rest of my family for that matter again. Or atleast I will try to not be so selfish. Especially with Camden since she's teething and she's fussy lately and all I want to do is cry because she's frustrating me! But I remind myself that I could not have her tomorrow and I snuggle her more, kiss her all the time, and play with her all day long.
Dennis is finally getting better. The wound is getting much smaller now and it looks healthy. Which is fantastic. He is moving around better but he still can't carry anything heavy- which is fine because we all know that I'm a beast :).
Hmmm... I feel extremely selfish right now because this post is supposed to be about one of my friends...
Well, as some of you or all of you might now, a friend of mine lost her baby a few days ago to SIDS. She's one of the ladies that I went through my pregnancy with- well kinda. There's a site- (which I advise everyone that is pregnant to use- and yes, even the dads can use this site!) and a forum that I frequented while I was pregnant, and still do, and that's where I met this wonderful lady. Michael was almost 5 months old when he passed and it's incredibly sad.
So for the past 2 nights I've been scared to death that something horrible would happen to Camden and I check on her often. I check on her atleast 6 times before I go to sleep. And yes, she's back to sleeping in our bedroom (well atleast until we get oil damn it). She slept with us one night because every time I tried putting her down she woke up and cried and I woke up having a nightmare thinking that she was dead in my arms. I think I about had a heartattack.
It shouldn't take a tragedy to realize what you have and how lucky you are. I will never take advantage of Camden or Dennis or Roxy or any of the rest of my family for that matter again. Or atleast I will try to not be so selfish. Especially with Camden since she's teething and she's fussy lately and all I want to do is cry because she's frustrating me! But I remind myself that I could not have her tomorrow and I snuggle her more, kiss her all the time, and play with her all day long.
Spencer family,
stop taking advantage of people today,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sometimes I just need to hear that I'm doing a great job.
I guess I should update... Dennis is finally home and feeling better. I personally think it's all the pain medicine he is on but hey, atleast he's feeling better! We have someone come over twice a day to unpack and repack his hole in his leg- thank goodness because I probably would throw up if I tried. No seriously, I do not deal well with holes in your body that ARE NOT supposed to be there. But he's getting better, the hole looks smaller and "healthier."
Camden has started doing some funny things lately that I would like to share. First off, she has started grabbing her feet- this is hilarious especially at diaper changes. She watches me intently whenever I talk and eat and tries to mock me. Today I even tried to give her a piece of my cracker (no, not to eat, just to taste... God, what kind of mom do you think I am!?) and she tasted it and smiled and proceeded to giggle at me. We dance and sing and talk often lately. She also will not stay on her tummy as if he life depends on it. Still working on back to belly though (although I'm scared shitless of when that happens because then I will never be able to leave her alone). We tried giving her cereal the other day and she wasn't having it. She screamed at me about one fricken ounce! I need to learn to control my temper... Especially around her.
Oh and she's not only blowing spit bubbles but also raspberries- this cracks me up. Oh and she stands up and all you have to do is hold her hands to balance! Can't wait until she is taking steps :). And she sits up on her own, all you have to do is sit her there and she is good to go. For a few minutes atleast, and then she kinda topples over.
Roxy is starting to get more and more annoying as the days go on. The poor dog is starved for attention. And while I'm ashamed to admit this, it was discussed- we were talking about finding a very nice loving home for her to go to. But we're both too selfish to do this and want to keep her because we love her and she's our first baby. And plus Dennis said "If we can't get rid of Camden then we can't get rid of Roxy." So there you have it, Roxy is staying.
We are moving soon and I'm thrilled. I hate this stupid house with it's stupid oil! The oil ran out and considering it's so expensive to buy, we're putting off buying it until the 15th. No oil means no heat and no hot water. I will never, ever take advantage of a hot shower again! For now it has been sponge baths (or my mom likes to say "whore baths"). I hate it. But mainly because it's freezing when you get out and your scalp burns from rinsing with cold water because you can't pour the pot of water on your head and get all the soap out! By the way, the house is colder than the fridge if that gives you any idea!
I am now wearing my old jeans. Yes I said it, I can now officially bust out my pre-prego jeans! Wooooo! I still need to loose some weight, but hell, this is amazing :).
Oh and I got one of those accounts- check me out at caityhasaheart. Can't get away from that name :).
Camden has started doing some funny things lately that I would like to share. First off, she has started grabbing her feet- this is hilarious especially at diaper changes. She watches me intently whenever I talk and eat and tries to mock me. Today I even tried to give her a piece of my cracker (no, not to eat, just to taste... God, what kind of mom do you think I am!?) and she tasted it and smiled and proceeded to giggle at me. We dance and sing and talk often lately. She also will not stay on her tummy as if he life depends on it. Still working on back to belly though (although I'm scared shitless of when that happens because then I will never be able to leave her alone). We tried giving her cereal the other day and she wasn't having it. She screamed at me about one fricken ounce! I need to learn to control my temper... Especially around her.
Oh and she's not only blowing spit bubbles but also raspberries- this cracks me up. Oh and she stands up and all you have to do is hold her hands to balance! Can't wait until she is taking steps :). And she sits up on her own, all you have to do is sit her there and she is good to go. For a few minutes atleast, and then she kinda topples over.
Roxy is starting to get more and more annoying as the days go on. The poor dog is starved for attention. And while I'm ashamed to admit this, it was discussed- we were talking about finding a very nice loving home for her to go to. But we're both too selfish to do this and want to keep her because we love her and she's our first baby. And plus Dennis said "If we can't get rid of Camden then we can't get rid of Roxy." So there you have it, Roxy is staying.
We are moving soon and I'm thrilled. I hate this stupid house with it's stupid oil! The oil ran out and considering it's so expensive to buy, we're putting off buying it until the 15th. No oil means no heat and no hot water. I will never, ever take advantage of a hot shower again! For now it has been sponge baths (or my mom likes to say "whore baths"). I hate it. But mainly because it's freezing when you get out and your scalp burns from rinsing with cold water because you can't pour the pot of water on your head and get all the soap out! By the way, the house is colder than the fridge if that gives you any idea!
I am now wearing my old jeans. Yes I said it, I can now officially bust out my pre-prego jeans! Wooooo! I still need to loose some weight, but hell, this is amazing :).
Oh and I got one of those accounts- check me out at caityhasaheart. Can't get away from that name :).
Friday, March 5, 2010
I must be the worst wife ever or something. I only say this because Dennis is STILL in the hospital and I can't spend a whole lot of time there. Not because I don't want to and not because we live far away but... I have a house to clean, a dog to play with, and a child to take care of! I spend half my day in the car and no time just sitting down doing nothing! Well, except for today where I actually was able to have an hour or two to myself. I had 2 friends pick up the slack for me and take Cam for a few hours. When I say a few I really mean most of the morning and afternoon- I love my friends :). One of my friends came and picked her up around 9 and then dropped her off with my other friend around 1 and then I picked Cam up from her house around 4. Yes I said FOUR PM!
I was able to go help Dennis without a little one attached to me, which is bad for her anyway because MRSA is HIGHLY contagious. I helped him with the shower and was told that I needed to change my clothes before even touching Camden. After I helped him with that I had a few errands to run because we're moving at the end of the month. I only got 1 out of 3 things accomplished because apparently the office of one moved and someone told me one thing, another told me something else, and finally I got the number for the stupid office and it's 45 minutes away! I wanted to shoot myself in the foot. I'm thankful that I don't have to deal with this crap on Monday because Dennis is taking care of it :).
I originally was supposed to pick Camden up at 2 but since I got done with all of this crap at 2, I still had to go home and shower and change my clothes and wash them and take care of Roxy and by the time this was all said and done it was 4! Thank goodness she was a golden child or I would have been fucked. I missed her a lot though and she was alllll smiles when I picked her up :). Apparently she had been chatting away all day. God, how I love her.
Tomorrow I will be spending the WHOLE day with Dennis. And since I was only able to spend a whopping 2 hours there, I think I owe it to him ;), plus he asked me too and of course I couldn't refuse! I miss him so much... I'm hoping that he'll be able to come home tomorrow or the next day but they're trying to figure out his pain meds and make sure that he's not having any sort of reaction to the antibiotics they put him on. Pray he'll be coming home tomorrow please!
I was able to go help Dennis without a little one attached to me, which is bad for her anyway because MRSA is HIGHLY contagious. I helped him with the shower and was told that I needed to change my clothes before even touching Camden. After I helped him with that I had a few errands to run because we're moving at the end of the month. I only got 1 out of 3 things accomplished because apparently the office of one moved and someone told me one thing, another told me something else, and finally I got the number for the stupid office and it's 45 minutes away! I wanted to shoot myself in the foot. I'm thankful that I don't have to deal with this crap on Monday because Dennis is taking care of it :).
I originally was supposed to pick Camden up at 2 but since I got done with all of this crap at 2, I still had to go home and shower and change my clothes and wash them and take care of Roxy and by the time this was all said and done it was 4! Thank goodness she was a golden child or I would have been fucked. I missed her a lot though and she was alllll smiles when I picked her up :). Apparently she had been chatting away all day. God, how I love her.
Tomorrow I will be spending the WHOLE day with Dennis. And since I was only able to spend a whopping 2 hours there, I think I owe it to him ;), plus he asked me too and of course I couldn't refuse! I miss him so much... I'm hoping that he'll be able to come home tomorrow or the next day but they're trying to figure out his pain meds and make sure that he's not having any sort of reaction to the antibiotics they put him on. Pray he'll be coming home tomorrow please!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Worst case senario
Worst case scenario happened and Dennis has been admitted to the hospital. Please keep him in your thoughts and pray to who ever you pray to! Basically since yesterday, the cellulitus on his leg has grown 2 inches! It's now from his hip and taking up 3/4 of his thigh. Today when we went in to have it looked at and the packing changed out they immediately sent him to general surgery to have it looked at. Basically we went in at 2 and he was in surgery at 4. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that he gets better and that he'll be able to come home soon!
Bad news- I have a spot on my shoulder that is itchy, red, and has a white head (which is exactly how his started! Only it's very obvious that this is not an ingrown hair...). I'm extremely nervous about it and I will be calling the doctor tomorrow morning to have it looked at.
Well it's late here and I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be one busy day! I have to scrub down the whole house... Ughhh cleaning sucks!
Bad news- I have a spot on my shoulder that is itchy, red, and has a white head (which is exactly how his started! Only it's very obvious that this is not an ingrown hair...). I'm extremely nervous about it and I will be calling the doctor tomorrow morning to have it looked at.
Well it's late here and I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be one busy day! I have to scrub down the whole house... Ughhh cleaning sucks!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Hitting a wall.
Hmmmm... Well the past few days have been interesting. Sunday Dennis woke up with a bump on his leg that looked like an ingrown hair- no big deal, pull the hair out, pop it, go about our life. Monday comes and the bump as grown bigger, has a nasty looking scab on it and there's a red ring around it the size of my fist. No big deal, poor alcohol on it, air it out, go about our life. Monday night comes and he strips out of his uniform and shows me his leg where it now has moved down half of his fricken THIGH! The bump is now the size of my fist and the ring around it has grown half way down his leg. He is hot and doesn't feel well. We go to the ER somewhere between 7:30-8.
It takes the doctors 2 hours to even put him in a room and then another half an hour to an hour to look at the bump. They tell him they are going to cut into it and try to drain it. Dennis has MRSA. When he layed down on the little bed in the room his fever got worse, he felt sick to his stomach, and dizzy. GREAT. His leg is badly infected and the doctors are taking their fucking time. Lets just put it this way- if he had waited any longer to go in, he would have been hospitalized. We were in the ER until 2am. He is on antibiotics and pain killers. They cut into his leg and stuffed it. He now has to go in every day to get his dressings changed out.
By the way, when I say "red ring" I don't mean that it's just a ring... I mean the whole area is red. He has cellulitis (sp?). Which is very dangerous if it grows anymore.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted after going with him and then of course Camden. Why children must torment their parents with sleep, I will never know. I was excited that I was actually able to sleep from around 3 until almost 10. And that was after she woke up twice inbetween that time. I also had an appointment today and I had to run some other errands.
We are not getting along. I'm tired, Dennis is tired, we are at each others throats about everything. Ugh, maybe a public blog is not the place to be talking about this so I'll skip the fighting.
Dennis and i were talking about the people that live here and how we wish we had friends that had nothing to do with the military at all. Oh how I wish for that... Army wives are not my ideal friend to vent to. First off, they love to spread rumors. Second off, this includes YOUR personal business. Third off, some of them are just down right bitches. I wish I had normal friends to vent to. I wish I had friends that were my age that were married and had kids.
With that being said- yes I am holding a lot in and yes I am turning hostile.
Good news though! I am officially back in the 130s! Go me :)
It takes the doctors 2 hours to even put him in a room and then another half an hour to an hour to look at the bump. They tell him they are going to cut into it and try to drain it. Dennis has MRSA. When he layed down on the little bed in the room his fever got worse, he felt sick to his stomach, and dizzy. GREAT. His leg is badly infected and the doctors are taking their fucking time. Lets just put it this way- if he had waited any longer to go in, he would have been hospitalized. We were in the ER until 2am. He is on antibiotics and pain killers. They cut into his leg and stuffed it. He now has to go in every day to get his dressings changed out.
By the way, when I say "red ring" I don't mean that it's just a ring... I mean the whole area is red. He has cellulitis (sp?). Which is very dangerous if it grows anymore.
Needless to say, I'm exhausted after going with him and then of course Camden. Why children must torment their parents with sleep, I will never know. I was excited that I was actually able to sleep from around 3 until almost 10. And that was after she woke up twice inbetween that time. I also had an appointment today and I had to run some other errands.
We are not getting along. I'm tired, Dennis is tired, we are at each others throats about everything. Ugh, maybe a public blog is not the place to be talking about this so I'll skip the fighting.
Dennis and i were talking about the people that live here and how we wish we had friends that had nothing to do with the military at all. Oh how I wish for that... Army wives are not my ideal friend to vent to. First off, they love to spread rumors. Second off, this includes YOUR personal business. Third off, some of them are just down right bitches. I wish I had normal friends to vent to. I wish I had friends that were my age that were married and had kids.
With that being said- yes I am holding a lot in and yes I am turning hostile.
Good news though! I am officially back in the 130s! Go me :)
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