Well I am searching for a pair of nice gold shoes to go with my pretty dress for the ball that's coming up here soon. I think I found a pair. Only problem is that they are $90 and like 6 inches high and I might just break my neck wearing them. But what the heck, they're gorgeous shoes and you only live once right?! Plus they are crazy enough to go with my crazy dress (it's aqua, brown, and gold leopard print- verrrrrrrry sexy). Anyway, I found them and I am totally in love with them. My only problem is that they are online and I have no way of trying them on- booooo internet! Speaking of dresses and balls.... I seriously need to start working out if I want to look super sexy in my ultra sexy dress (and shoes- which I AM going to buy). I would hate to have flappy arms and ass for something this important. Because "every girl deserves to go to a ball."
We're moving at the end of next month! I'm torn between being excited and not because this means less space than we have now. But it also means I'll have a bigger kitchen and Camden will be seperate from us! Hopefully this means more sleep for everyone. Less space meaning no guest bedroom- boooooo. Also we won't have our own fenced in yard. But this means we'll HAVE to take Roxy for walks (poor dog...). We will still only have one bathroom though (shoot me now).
BUT! Moving on base means no more bills! Like water, electric, heating oil (NEVER buy a house with heating oil, it's fucking expensive!), trash, sewage, ummm is there anymore that I'm forgetting? Oh yeah, RENT. Our rent is ridiculous. It ranges anywhere from $1100-$1400 depending on the exchange rate. Our rent is 915-ish euro. But we get a decent sized house AND the army pays for it. Now we won't have to worry about it for the next 2 years atleast. Plus I can paint :D. I'm thrilled about painting my house. And decorating. Oh yeah and I won't have to clean so much because there'll be less room :D.
Speaking of moving though... We're currently in the process of trying to sell one of the loveseats and the subaru. Dennis decided that it was a great idea to buy a car right before Christmas leaving us in a bind for having a wonderful Christmas this year. We pulled through needless to say but it was also around the time of our anniversary and Dennis' birthday. The loveseat was bought when we first moved here and is great. I love it buuuut we're not going to have very much room and I would much rather have a rocker for the nursery instead of a fucking couch. Gay gay gay. The car is $400 and the couch is $300. That's what we're hoping to sell it for atleast. Since I posted the items, I have had about 10-12 offers on the car and 1 for the couch! Yaaay, lets hope they are gone soon!
In other news...... Hmm... There really isn't much else going on!
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