Saturday, January 9, 2010

Attempt number 2= FAIL.

I'm on attempt number 2 of putting Camden down for the night and I have failed. Yes, I said it, I failed. It seems she can't sleep unless someone is holding her. I must break her of this habit or I will go crazy!!!!! I'm already sleeping with her from about 7am until whenever she needs to be up which is somewhere between 10am and 11am.

Since the computer is set up in the nursery, she is now laying in her crib and watching her mobile. Thank God for mobiles! She loves that thing.

Well, I have yet to work out today! I know, I know, bad Caitlyn! But we were snowed in today. 6-8in! Holy cow! You know what that means? I shoveled the sidewalk alllll by myself :) yay me. I also threw snow at Roxy. She loved it. Since we're liable for anyone that falls in front of our house if we don't shovel and put salt down, that's what I had to do at 4:30 today. It was cold by the way...

A friend sent me a youtube video of a cardio work out that I'm going to check out as soon as I can get this little munchkin to bed. Or I might just pass since it's now 11:30 and I too need rest. I was good about eating today though! Kinda... I had an apple instead of these cool little cheesecake cupcakes that the g-ma in law made. And I ate a chicken pattie and some asparagus instead of a frozen dinner. Go me! I'm also trying to drink a lot more water. Hopefully this will help with my milk supply and I can actually store some!

I decided that the hubby and I need a date night. This is a serious matter.

Uh-oh the mobile stoped!

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