Sunday, May 23, 2010


Goodness it's been way too long! My computer was down for awhile so it was hard to do any posting. Oops!

I never made that cake btw... I need to though!

Camden is officially 6 months old as of 3 days ago. Poor baby started teething that same day. She slept for most of the morning and afternoon, slobbered on everything, and screamed the entire time she was awake. The next day she got her shots which just added to the problems. Then we took her to the pool the next day (yesterday) and she didn't enjoy it too much. I think it was the combination of the shots and teething that did her in. She ended up falling asleep after 15-20 minutes in the water. Of course that was AFTER I nursed her...

Other than that, she is now mobile which has to be the scariest thing ever. She gets into everything. Yes I am a bad mom and no I haven't baby proofed my house... Not all the way atleast. She has an obssesion with the xbox...

Well... I don't really know what else to say. Dennis is leaving. He won't be here for my birthday but he'll be able to come home before he leaves for the beach (minus the water of course...). This just broke my heart since he won't be here for Camden's first birthday. I wish he didn't have such a demanding job :(.